Pasadena, CA

Village Clubhouse

The Village Clubhouse is available to all residents. It features a full kitchen, bathroom and shower facilities, flat screen TV, wifi, and a lounge seating area with fireplace.
If you would like to reserve the Clubhouse for a private event, please use our Reservations page.
Reservations for this amenity must be made at least 24 hours in advance of your event.
Clubhouse Reservations do not include usage of the Pool. There is limit of (4) Guests at a time at the Pool.
Before making your reservation, please read our Rules Regarding The Pool and Spa (PDF)
Orange Grove Village Clubhouse Clubhouse Kitchen
We also have a weekly Happy Hour/Potluck at the Clubhouse!
All residents, family and guests are invited.
Please visit the "Village Social Events" section of our Calendar for date and time.